memebox scentbox 2 unboxing — Reviews — MISS YANYI


memebox scentbox 2 unboxing

MEMEBOX Scentbox #2 Unboxing & Review

beautyyanyi zhenComment


Here is an unboxing of the MEMEBOX Scentbox #2 - Baby powder scent! I am really enjoying this beauty subscription , not only do they give you amazing products you get huge samples 
One of the best beauty boxes out there in the market in my opinion!  Great bang for your buck! Most of the time they give you full size products! These are the top asian/korean beauty products at your door ! Love it! 

Get your Memebox here!

Use Coupon Code T0Y6KB for $5 off your order! Coupon expires the end of July so use it now ! :) 

Products in my Memebox Scentbox #2 :

Evas Mimi Lauryne's Perfume Soap 
Consensus Fabric Deodorizer 
Urban Lailly 7 seconds Make up Booster
Happy fam Deo Fresh Tissue